Building Programs
Creating the INFIA Spectrum Analysis Software in 1996-1998
Death by Fortran Common Block
My entry to Quantum Chemistry programming
Logistic Map Fractal
Excel-revolution at Steel Factory in 1989
Why do I like Programming so much? 🙂
From imperative C64 programming to functional-reactive style
Developer experience in 1987 with C64 vs modern tools
Ruletti re-born after 34 years
Blast from my Commodore 64 Past
From a Product company to a Consulting company
Why so many languages?
"In some ways, programming is like painting. You start with a blank canvas and certain basic raw materials. You use a combination of science, art, and craft to determine what to do with them."
- Andrew Hunt
“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery